Telling People I Like K-pop


This may sound uninteresting and also pretty much like a humble brag to many but truth be told, I’ve never had any troubles in this regard. No I’m totally serious! Ok let me think about it again just to be on the safe side….umm……hmm..🤔(this is me thinking btw)…nope not a single bad experience comes to mind. Suppose it could be down to sheer luck maybe? Yeah I suppose that could be easily be the case. For starters I was lucky enough to grow up with parents/friends who were as open minded and supportive as any one could ever possibly be. And when you have people like that around you it is soooo much easier to be open and to not shy away from things because you don’t really have to fear any type of ridicule. You can simply live your life the way you want to. Plus when it comes to others you would be surprised how easy it is to get away with liking and doing stuff out of the “norm” if you just have the confidence to go with it. 😀

Meaning that since the very first moment I got into Kpop which was let’s say about when I was 13, not once have I never felt the need to hide anything. If I wanted to listen to it through my headphones I would and if I wanted to blast it out my speakers I would too. Of course for the latter I still needed to be respectful about it. Can’t go annoying people with loud music right? Kpop or no Kpop. This meant everybody knew about my K-pop addiction early on. 😛 Including my parents who were all like, “what’s that,” the first time they ever heard it. All I had to say was, “It’s Korean Pop Music,” and just like that they’ve been cool with it since. Sometimes going as far as sitting by me and listening along too! Yup I know I gotz me some dope af parents. lol I’m sure they were no doubt surprised at first but for them I think as long as I wasn’t doing something that may end up hurting me or others, they were naturally pretty lax. Probs also helped that I was a very straight and narrow kid. Again parents tend to be more supportive if you behave, yeah I know what a novel concept right. 😇☺

As far as my friends were concerned, like I mentioned up on top they were pretty supportive too. 🙂 I think this is due to me being open minded myself. I was never negative on the things they liked therefore they were never negative on the things I liked. It was like we had this understanding from the very beginning that there was no way we were gonna like everything the other person liked because oh gee I don’t know we are freaking HUMAN BEINGS after all. 😛 So what really matters is that we gave things a try and if we had any negative reactions to something we would be honest about it but then we would simply move on. No need to dwell on negativity when there is so much positivity out there in the world to focus on instead. At least that’s my motto. ^_^ Plus with as many Kpop songs as there were out there, it was almost a given I could get them into at least one of them. 😉 For example, many of my friends got into that SORRY,SORRY craze with me. It’s too fun to NOT do that dance when apologizing for something.  😅


Now stranger’s reactions could vary the most but that’s to be expected. And yes I’ll admit that sometimes I got some “interesting” stares from people. Particularly I must admit when my phone would ring O.O… Why then of all times you ask. Well that’s because for the longest time Exo‘s Growl has been my actual ringtone!! 😅 Haha And every time it goes off, well you can just imagine. Reactions can range anywhere from straight up confusion all the way to bright smiles from all those people who recognize it. Lol In fact it’s a pretty good way to see who the Kpop fans in the room are. 😛 I’ve met some awesome people that way. So if you find yourself looking for fellow fans that is a pretty good way to do that… oh and maybe wearing a Kpop t-shirt may help as well.

And if you are curious here is that song I mentioned:

But the real question is, is there a takeaway in all this? I guess it would mainly be for you to not put so much focus on what other people may think and more simply put, just don’t be afraid to do your own thing. Nice things can truly happen that way. And if anything thing else, please do try to be open minded yourself. Not only will you attract similar people but I mean you can’t go on expecting others to be if you’re not right? And if you happen to be around people who are giving you trouble for something as harmless as Kpop, well then use it as a learning experience for how NOT to be in the future. Make sure you grow up to be one of those adults who will actually be open to the things your kids might like. Trust me that will make you an awesome parent someday. That is how my parents were and it made for the funnest childhood ever!

And yeah that’s basically all I wanted to say. How about you guys? Did you have a radically different experience than me when you let people know you liked Kpop? Feel free to share your stories. And remember if you ever need a Kpop buddy out there you can atleast count on me. ^_____^

17 thoughts on “Telling People I Like K-pop

  1. I think the first thing I heard is: They all look the same
    XD I think Kpop get more well-known so people are more open.
    I remember when I was a kid, I told my classmate I love anime and manga, and they gave me a dirty look like they like watching drama is a super fancy thing.
    But seriously, if I hear someone ringtone is Kpop or anime song, my eyes will light up and feel super happy that I find people have similar interest. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh my gosh, I remember trying to explain what Kpop was to my friends. And saying ‘Korean pop music’ wasn’t enough for them, so I got into detail about groups and maknaes and everything. Oh and btw, have you seen BTS’ Love Yourself video. It’s so cute! ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I did get dirty look from my friends when I would say I like Anime or manga, the usual those are children stuff (even if it is, what’s wrong with that?) though never from my parents. Being a good kid does help. My first encounter with kpop was sorry, sorry and that’s only because my best friend knew I liked Anime and so she didn’t hesitate showing me something that wasn’t mainstream. But all of this was years ago, people’s attitude has changed just a bit and I’ve also learned not to care.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Fantastic post with some great advice 🙂 My family is fine with my love for kdrama and kpop. Dad thinks it’s weird but leaves it at that while Mom is pretty supportive. I was able to get my sister interested in both on a more low key level. Despite my kpop ringtones and my awesome BTS shirt, I still haven’t attracted any other fans in real life though, lol

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great to see Kpop giving you good experiences and giving you a way to meet awesome people. I’m sure you’ll be a cool parent one day. But try me, a 30s adult liking Kpop. 😂 Got used to the quirky reactions though as I’ve been here since 2009. I’m just glad to see how it brings people together just enjoying music. I met really good friends, young and old, through Kpop. *whispers* p.s. I love BTS too. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Now that I think about it, my parents never really showed any interest in what I like. They know about a few, like manga and anime but my mother doesn’t really care and my father thinks that they are stupid. I only told two people that I like K-pop, one of them is my uncle who laughed a bit as a reaction and the other is a close friend of mine who doesn’t seem to be interested to find out more about it.


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