HyunA Goes Vogue

Stop teasing me HyunA. Please for the love of…aaaggh. I swear this girl be out here making CFs feel like comeback Teasers. Girl is a straight up BOSS. I don’t even wear any make up and she has me whipped into wanting some. lol And she would be putting on RED lipstick wouldn’t she. You…

Is BTS Influential?

Welp considering how hard it is to avoid them within the Kpop fandom, I would venture to say…of course they are. Even more so now that they have been getting all this Western media attention.  And I would guarantee that fellow ARMYs around the world would share that same sentiment. I mean why else would…

Kpop This WeekEND #3

Guys…I don’t think I can stress enough how overly excited I am to be writing today’s post. That is because for as cool as all the comeback news that I’ve been talking about in the past weeks have been, this week’s announcements/teaser’s top it all. How is that possible? Well, I gotta give much of the…