Talking Kpop and more on Omegle


Remember the website Omegle? Yes that one where you can get paired up with random strangers from all around the world. I decided to go on there for the first time ever today. I’d seen plenty of videos and screenshots of conversations online over the years but for some odd  reason, I never actually thought about jumping on the bandwagon myself. Until today of course. I exclusively stayed on the text chat side of things(didn’t wanna see any weird stuff obviously) and you know what I had a real blast. I may even do this again sometime. 😀

Here are some of the highlights from that.

For their “What would you like to talk about” box I filled in Kdramas, Kpop, and Music. Since that way the site would hopefully pair me up with people who I would have an easier time talking to.

Although hold up! Before I get to that actually. I first tried out their spy (question) mode. If you don’t know what that is, basically it’s the same as getting paired up with a random stranger except you also get a question that somebody else asked. I suppose this is to help break the ice and to give people something to actually talk about. In my case though I chose to be the person who asked the questions. This means I didn’t participate in the discussions themselves but I could see the other two people’s back and forth. And can you guess the types of questions I asked…. Yup they were Kpop related. 😛

First, the most obvious I had to ask…


I only asked this question a handful of times and was surprised by how many random people seemed to at least have heard of them. Sure many of the people who replied didn’t actually listen to them but hey they knew them regardless. It means they are slowly getting into the public’s eye. lol Next time I may wanna ask this question more.

Next I tried to open it up. Instead of narrowing it to just BTS, I asked if people had heard of Kpop as a whole, if they could name any artists, and if they knew anything in general. These were some of the highlights for that



That last one was interesting because they didn’t know about Kpop really but they at least kept their cool and weren’t negative about it. Also I thought it was fun seeing them realize they are from around the same parts of the world. It was kinda heart warming in a way.

And lastly as a joke, I couldn’t resist and had to ask this. All you ARMYs should be able to recognize the question immediately. 😆What’s funnier tho has gotta be that response… gargligush, really? lol


BTW it should be ok to share this here right?


Then to close this out here are some of the chats were I finally tried my luck and interacted with people.

First was this guy. Apparently he is a rapper and has some tracks on Soundcloud. I looked him up and he ain’t bad. Really makes me wish he hadn’t disconnected so soon. Woulda been cool to ask him some questions about his music. Like the dude has some good flow and he’s got some good production values behind him. In fact what’s amazing is that according to his Instagram he is an artist, producer and engineer too.


So yeah here is the most recent track I could find on his Soundcloud


Then here are a few more chats:




…and that’s the end for tonight. Sadly there where way more chats that I didn’t save that I shoulda, but the thing is that it wasn’t until towards the end that I thought it would be interesting to share them. Meaning I left of a lot of what I thought were really good ones. Oh well, I’ll try to post some more chats in the future because it really was fun even though there were a lot of early disconnects and a lot were short.

If you ever go or have gone on Omegle let me know and feel free to share some chat stories while you’re at it.


P.S. you may have noticed me mention my name is Mike in one of these. That is obviously not my real name, it’s Miguel like I have mentioned before. However it is one of my many nicknames. Which if you are curious, I’d be glad to share them with you. 🙂 They are Mike, Michael, Michael Angelo, and Miggy. Almost nobody ever calls me Miguel. lol

21 thoughts on “Talking Kpop and more on Omegle

    • Sounds like a plan! 🙂 Hopefully you get paired up with some nice people when you do. Also the neat thing is that the text chat works nicely on mobile. So you can try it out when you’re on the go or when you’re bored but only got a few minutes to spare.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. dude…. i searched the word “gargligush meaning” and the only thing that came up was a post from your blog!!! SERIOUSLY. u r famous if someone ever searches that word. lol

    OMYGOSH. I DIED HAPPILY WITH THE JIN VIDEO. U don’t know annyeonghaseyo?!?!? lol luv u jin!!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    that was so interesting seeing your conversations. i didn't realize you play piano guitar and violin. i have too. also drawing? i didn't know you did that either. coolness.

    HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! sorry…. lol SEE YOU MIGGY!!! 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    • I pride myself on learning all sorts of new things and yes various intruments are a part of that. The only drawback is that its hard to get really good at any of these when you got other interests constantly popping up. XD Its fun learning tho. What other interests do you have?

      Liked by 1 person

      • drawing all kinds of pictures, writing stories (i’m writing a really funny one with my cousin about vampires and stuff :P), singing karaoke at the top of my lungs, cooking fabulous pies and brownies and chicken and other stuff, wearing the sexiest shoes imaginable *eye roll*, and sporting short dyed hair. lol

        what else do you do?

        Liked by 1 person

      • You dye your hair? I didnt think you could get any more awesome but you just did. Haha I’ve been known to dye my hair dark red and blue. 😀

        As for what else I do, hmm. I also like to cook. Only really got into it last year tho. I also have gotten big on fitness, daily morning runs have kinda become my jam. Would also throw in that I’m big on American Cinema. You can literally find me at the local theater at least once a week. 😛

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      • omlord that’s amazing. thanks for saying i’m awesome. i do think i am too. 😛 yes. i dyed it red a few weeks ago… and its fading slowly cuz my natural hair color is blonde, but i really like it. it keeps changing to different shades of red, so i’m happy with it. NOYCE. i didn’t know you dyed your hair. #coolnessitself

        i was into fitness alot, tryna get my awesome six-pack abs. but i got out of it because it was hard. it was challenging, which i was love, but i guess i just got out of doing it. actually i noticed you were into fitness, which was nice. i don’t meet a lot of people who do everything i love doing, and also are into kpop. so yeah… awesomeness.

        i am so glad you go to the cinema. it needs to be gone to way more than it is. i wish i could go every day. it is so blessedly amazing to go and sit in an empty movie theater and just watch a movie that you love… or don’t know at all. its wonderful.

        okay. its so nice talking to you. here’s a personal question. how old are you?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ooh, you dont know how old I am. Interesting. Care to take a guess? 😛 I have mentioned it before on one of my posts before. I’ll tell you what, you let me know your age and Ill let you know mine. Seems fair enough I think. XD

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      • Yes, that’s exactly why. 😛 Nah JK. It’s actually because apart from like two people, everyone who has commented on my blog has turned out to be between 16-23. So I just assumed youd be within that range too. 🙂

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    • Oh yeah. I definitely wasted a whole lotta time for my first time on. 😛 Dont regret it tho. There is something nice about getting paired up with someone of similar interests but who is from across the world. I mean I got paired up with someone from Vietnam and Australia within minutes of eachother.

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